Friday, May 9, 2014

Setup integration of Stanines (Michael and Jesse)

The goal of this milestone was to lay the foundation for a user to find their stanine based on their score, grade level and test that they took. What we have done so far was only locally on our machines in an excel file. Even if we sent this excel file to our client he wouldn't have a way to put it into his database. By putting this information into the database the web developers will be able to give the students their stanines.

The route we took in this milestone was to create SQL queries for our client to put into his database which will populate his tables. By having the tables correctly populated, the developers will be able to read that data from the database and relay the relevant information to the student. One step further, the reason the student would want this stanine information is to get an understanding of how they are doing in relation to their peers, what they can expect their test scores would be in a real life scenario, and to boost their confidence when they do take the real test. These stanines are also valuable for our client because having this information keeps him competitive and helps the company stand out from competitors.

The way we accomplished this milestone was through writing VBA in Excel to output all the queries into a text file. As a side note, the reason we output the queries for our client to put into his database instead of connecting the excel file directly to the database is security reasons. They don't want an extra port being used for this because it is an extra vulnerability that they would need to secure.

We wrote code that builds off displaying the stanines which you can see from the previous milestone. The code gets all the relevant information and outputs SQL queries into a .txt file. Our client can then use those queries to populate his database. The queries are robust enough where they create new rows if there is brand new information that was not seen before or it will update rows if they already exist and need to be updated.

We set up our own database with a table that is exactly like our clients for testing. We got the correct output, put it in a .txt file, then populated our database. It worked on our test database and after confirmation with our client it worked for him as well.

Jesse(10) and Michael(10) both worked equally on this project. Our next steps will be ensuring our code has absolutely no bugs with testing. The automation process needs to be completely accurate. We will also document our work so far so others can understand and replicate our work if it needs to be.

VBA Code 1

VBA Code 2

SQL Queries in .txt file

Queries in the database populating the table

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