Thursday, March 20, 2014

Milestone 6 - Improvements Implemented

After meeting with our client and presenting our work, our client requested that we also calculate stanine scores by different sections (questionType). We have edited our code to account for questionType instead of just "TestOverall" Here is a link to our code:

This code will go through the entire data set by different questionTypes and count up how many pieces of data we have for each. With this count, we calculate the stanine score of each user and apply it across all of the data set.

This draws us closer towards feeding data into the back-end of the website/diagnostic test and displaying the appropriate stanine scores for each section for users.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Milestone 5- Improved Diagnostic

This file will produce the information used in the diagnostic test.

What we have been spending most of our time on is the automation of the numbers going into the diagnostic tests that was explained in the previous Milestone. You are able to add or delete rows of data and the Macro will still handle this and produce the correct Stanine numbers.

This file accomplishes three things right now:

1) Fill in the correct grades for each UserId
2) Create a "TestOverall" row that accumulates all "Overall" test rows and creates a single test score
3) Calculate the Stanine for each test

These options are fully automated by using Macros. The specific Macro is "Module1.filters". You are able to view the code along with the comments explaining the code. There is also a visualization on the last tab that could be used on the dashboard.

Our next steps will be to include the accurate Stanines to specific sections such as Algebra or Reading Comprehension. This will be done by comparing students in the same grade level who took the same test. We also need to correctly filter out the users that have omitted too many questions because we have determined that it is not valid data and shouldn't be included to calculate the Stanines.

One problem we had that needs to be corrected is a rounding issue for administering the Stanines. This is a small bug in our code that will be fixed by the next milestone. Without getting into too much technical detail, the result of the bug is that there will either be a slight overflow or shortfall of Stanine numbers given in relation to the number of actual tests.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Milestone 4 - Diagnostic Design Approval

Here is the screenshot of the diagnostic test mock-up:

Currently, Michael and I are in the process of collaborating with our client with integrating our graphs and Stanine overlays with the diagnostic test that is in development. If you look at the mock-up, our work will fill out the Stanine chart at the top and our graphs will be used for the analysis section. This is just an initial mock-up and there will be more iterations where improvements will be implemented.

For clarification, so far, Michael and I have been working entirely together on all of the milestones thus far. Although, there have been rare occasions where we divide up the tasks and work remotely.